Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • A 2.5-D Integrated Data Logger for Measuring Extreme Accelerations 

      Gakkestad, Jakob; Sollund, Tomas; Dalsjø, Per; Tveit, Bjørn; Taklo, Maaike Margrete Visser; Wright, Daniel Nilsen; Helland, Susanne; Kristiansen, Helge; Johnsen, Christian (2017)
      A very compact and rugged 2.5-D integrated data logger has been built and tested. The data logger is capable of measuring accelerations exceeding 70 000 g. Microcontroller and flash memory as bare dies have been mounted ...
    • Characterization of the material properties of two FR4 printed circuit board laminates 

      Haugan, Espen Tunhøvd; Dalsjø, Per (2014-01-10)
      Most printed circuit boards are based on a laminate of weaved glass fiber cloth and epoxy. These laminates have so-called viscoelastic material properties. This means that properties such as elasticity and thermal expansion ...
    • Hybrid electric propulsion for military vehicles - overview and status of the technology 

      Dalsjø, Per (2008)
      In the civilian market the hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is receiving increasing attention due to its reduced fuel consumption. The HEV is basically a combination of the common internal combustion engine (ICE) powered ...
    • LandX23 - target acquisition and engagement 

      Bentsen, Dan Helge; Asak, Ole Martin; Bakstad, Lorns Harald; Nilssen, Eivind Bergh; Bjerke, Sven; Dalsjø, Per; Dybwad, Katrine Mygland; Eiksund, Oddmar; Folke-Olsen, Sander; Fyhn, Sondre Holm; Haavardsholm, Trym Vegard; Hanevold, Morten; Hellemo, Håkon; Horn, Christian; Imenes, Anders; Kolden, David; Larsen, Martin Vonheim; Mathiassen, Kim; Macdonald, Robert H.; Minos-Stensrud, Mathias; Nielsen, Niels-Hygum; Nielsen, Martin Normann; Nummedal, Olav Rune; Olsen, Lars Erik; Paulsmoen, Morten; Rosvold, Gard Inge; Sele, Marta Lill; Skaar, Sindre Løining; Simonsen, Aleksander Skjerlie; Spilling, Torjus; Stien, Håvard (2024-05-22)
      LandX is the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment’s (FFI’s) yearly two-week collaborative event focusing on experimental technologies in the land domain. LandX23 was its fourth edition. Over the years, the complexity ...
    • Sluttrapport for prosjekt Situational Awareness Sensor Systems (SASS) 

      Pham, Vinh; Larsen, Erlend; Flathagen, Joakim; Mjelde, Terje; Korsnes, Reinert; Sander, Jostein; Dalsjø, Per (2013-01-08)
      FFI-prosjektet SASS har undersøkt potensialet for bruk av lavkost ad hoc trådløse sensor-nettverk innen det norske forsvaret. Intensjonen har vært å bidra til bedre trussel-oppmerksomhet innen både konsentrerte militære ...