Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Evaluation of Two Path Following Controllers for an Ackermann Off-road Vehicle in Winter and Summer Conditions 

      Baksaas, Magnus; Olsen, Lars Erik; Mathiassen, Kim (2021-04-02)
      Off-road driving can be a challenging task with rapid changes in the driving conditions, terrain and vehicle behavior. For off-road autonomous vehicles, it is important to be robust to these changes, and parts of this ...
    • LandX23 - target acquisition and engagement 

      Bentsen, Dan Helge; Asak, Ole Martin; Bakstad, Lorns Harald; Nilssen, Eivind Bergh; Bjerke, Sven; Dalsjø, Per; Dybwad, Katrine Mygland; Eiksund, Oddmar; Folke-Olsen, Sander; Fyhn, Sondre Holm; Haavardsholm, Trym Vegard; Hanevold, Morten; Hellemo, Håkon; Horn, Christian; Imenes, Anders; Kolden, David; Larsen, Martin Vonheim; Mathiassen, Kim; Macdonald, Robert H.; Minos-Stensrud, Mathias; Nielsen, Niels-Hygum; Nielsen, Martin Normann; Nummedal, Olav Rune; Olsen, Lars Erik; Paulsmoen, Morten; Rosvold, Gard Inge; Sele, Marta Lill; Skaar, Sindre Løining; Simonsen, Aleksander Skjerlie; Spilling, Torjus; Stien, Håvard (2024-05-22)
      LandX is the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment’s (FFI’s) yearly two-week collaborative event focusing on experimental technologies in the land domain. LandX23 was its fourth edition. Over the years, the complexity ...
    • A study of computer interfaces for soldier systems - (a look at Ethernet, FireWire and USB) 

      Flathagen, Joakim; Olsen, Lars Erik (2005)
      This report looks at the challenges regarding computer communication and information sharing between the different NATO counteries soldier systems. The emphasis is on the wired interface for this data exchange. The report ...