Now showing items 481-500 of 2882

    • Gimlemoen skyte- og øvingsfelt - metallnivåer i vann, sediment og fisk 

      Author::Mariussen, Espen; Author::Aaneby, Jorunn; Author::Heier, Lene Sørlie; Author::Teien, Hans Christian; Author::Pettersen, Marit Nandrup; Author::Rosseland, Bjørn Olav; Author::Salbu, Brit (2020-11-25)
      Tidligere overvåkningsstudier har vist utlekking av metaller og metalloider som bly (Pb), kobber (Cu) og antimon (Sb) i bekker som renner ut fra Gimlemoen skyte- og øvingsfelt i Kristiansand. Dette har ført til at fiskevann ...
    • Observasjoner hos Fylkesmannen i Nordland under øvelse Trident Juncture 2018 

      Buvarp, Paul M. H. (2020-10-19)
      Under øvelse Trident Juncture 2018 (TRJE18) var en FFI-forsker observatør hos Fylkesmannen1 i Nordland (FMNO). Formålet med observasjonen var å undersøke problematikk knyttet til ressursprioritering og beslutningsprosesser ...
    • Thermal stability of NMC442 cathode material studied by accelerating rate calorimetry 

      Author::Troøyen, Susanne Hansen; Author::Lian, Torleif (2020-12-07)
      Lithium ion batteries have developed into one of the most popular secondary batteries on the market today due to high voltage, long lifetime and high energy density. However, lithium ion batteries may have safety issues, ...
    • Automatic object recognition within point clouds in clustered or scattered scenes 

      Bae, Egil (2020)
      We consider the problem of automatically locating, classifying and identifying an object within a point cloud that has been acquired by scanning a scene with a ladar. The recent work [E. Bae, Automatic scene understanding ...
    • Running norBMS over virtual radios 

      Berg, Tore Jørgen (2020-11-23)
      The Norwegian Army is dependent on radios for command and control on the tactical operating field. A radio network emulator that assists in training of the personnel and in testing new computer applications before deployment, ...
    • Hvem er de menige? - en kvantitativ analyse av vernepliktsdata 2014–2020 

      Køber, Petter Kristian (2020-12-09)
      Førstegangstjenesten er sentral for rekrutteringen til Forsvaret, og kunnskap om hvem som tjenestegjør, er derfor viktig. En viktig endring i Forsvaret kom med innføringen av allmenn verneplikt i 2014. Endringen betyr ...
    • Sikkerhetssektorreform i Georgia – en vurdering av Forsvarets bidrag til Nato-Georgia Joint Training and Evaluation Center (JTEC) 

      Johansen, Iver; Mørkved, Torgeir (2020-12-10)
      Nato vedtok på toppmøtet i Wales i september 2014 en omfattende pakke med tiltak for å støtte sikkerhetssektorreform i Georgia. Pakken var dels et svar på Russlands annektering av Krimhalvøya og krigføring i Ukraina, og ...
    • Testing av kvantesikre kandidatalgoritmer på en mikrokontroller – Norges sikreste chat 

      Kristensen, Ella Wolff; Ellingsen, Ludvig; Strand, Martin (2020-11-19)
      Både sivilt og militært baserer vi oss stadig mer på mange store og små digitale enheter som kommuniserer med hverandre. Enhetene skal helst være billige, og med det følger det begrenset ytelse og lagringsplass. Likevel skal ...
    • Småstatsnarrativ i internasjonale operasjoner 

      Alme, Vårin; Kveberg, Torbjørn (2020-12-09)
      Fremmedstatlig påvirkning er i løpet av de siste årene blitt en utfordring for vestlige stater, deriblant Norge. I møte med denne utfordringen ser flere av disse statene – også Norge – til lærdommer fra den siste tidens ...
    • Exploring data reuse using a big data infrastructure 

      Halvorsen, Jonas; Hansen, Bjørn Jervell (2020-11-05)
      Making good military decisions requires a high level of situational awareness, and building this situational awareness is improved by access to as much relevant information as possible. This information can arrive to a ...
    • Introduction to shock-response spectra 

      Andreassen, Øyvind (2020-11-21)
      A shock is a sudden and violent event. There are many examples of shocks, from earth quakes and explosions to controlled mechanical transient processes. In this report, we discuss theory, modeling and analysis methods ...
    • Performance evaluation of high-volume electret filter air samplers in aerosol microbiome research 

      Gohli, Jostein; Dybwad, Marius; Skogan, Gunnar (2020)
      Background Reliable identification and quantification of bioaerosols is fundamental in aerosol microbiome research, highlighting the importance of using sampling equipment with well-defined performance characteristics. ...
    • Detection: how many pixels are required? 

      Rheenen, Arthur Dirk van; Thomassen, Jan Brede (2020-09-23)
      In this work, we studied how detection range of a small target changes as a function of the number of defined target pixels. The intuitively simplest method to look for a target in IR images is to look for the “hottest” ...
    • MRTD: to NUC or not to NUC? 

      Rheenen, Arthur Dirk van; Thomassen, Jan Brede (2020-09-21)
      We applied a simple method to estimate the Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference (MRTD) of an LWIR and an MWIR camera. A so-called Siemens star, in our case a thin, black aluminum plate framing a circle that is missing ...
    • Three-dimensional signal decomposition of infrared image sequences and large-scale non-uniformity analysis 

      Thomassen, Jan Brede; Rheenen, Arthur Dirk van (2020-09-20)
      The three-dimensional noise model is a methodology to analyse the noise of a thermal imaging sensor, such as an infrared (IR) camera. This allows us to decompose a noisy signal into components and quantify properties such ...
    • Weeping in Modern Jihadi Groups 

      Hegghammer, Thomas (2020-09-14)
      This article, using a wide range of primary sources, describes the practice of weeping (bukā) in contemporary jihadi groups. It shows that weeping is widespread and encouraged in militant Islamist groups such as al-Qaida ...
    • Forsvarsindustrien i Norge - statistikk 2019 

      Pedersen, Jon Olav (2020-11-10)
      Statistikken for 2019 viser at norske forsvarsvirksomheter leverer ca.16 % av Forsvarets totale materiellinvesteringer. Det kan derfor antas at utenlandske leverandører, og derved importandelen, står for de resterende ...
    • Radar imager for Mars’ subsurface experiment—RIMFAX 

      Hamran, Svein-Erik; Paige, David A.; Amundsen, Hans E. Foss; Berger, Tor; Brovoll, Sverre; Carter, Lynn; Hanssen, Leif; Dypvik, Henning; Eide, Jo; Eide, Sigurd; Ghent, Rebecca; Helleren, Øystein; Kohler, Jack; Mellon, Mike; Nunes, Daniel C.; Plettemeier, Dirk; Rowe, Kathryn; Russell, Patrick; Øyan, Mats Jørgen (2020-11-03)
      The Radar Imager for Mars’ Subsurface Experiment (RIMFAX) is a Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020 mission’s Perseverance rover, which is planned to land near a deltaic landform in Jezero crater. RIMFAX will add a ...
    • Spectral reflectance and transmission properties of a multi-layered camouflage net: Comparison with natural birch leaves and mathematical models 

      Mikkelsen, Alexander; Selj, Gorm Krogh (2020-09-20)
      With improved specifications and capabilities of modern sensors and detectors, concealment is an increasingly challenging endeavor. Concealment from modern sensors requires advanced camouflage material that can provide low ...
    • In-operation calibration of clock-bias and intrinsic parameters for pan-tilt-zoom cameras based on keypoint tracking 

      Larsen, Martin Vonheim; Haavardsholm, Trym Vegard; Mathiassen, Kim (2020-09-20)
      We propose a method for jointly estimating intrinsic calibration and internal clock synchronisation for a pantilt- zoom (PTZ) camera using only data that can be acquired in the field during normal operation. Results show ...