Spørreundersøkelse blant vernepliktige i Hæren vedrørende norsk internasjonalt engasjement, verneplikt og verving
This report describes the results from a questionnaire among conscripts in the Norwegian Army 3 months into their
service. The questionnaire addressed questions concerning recruitment to a professional Army unit, and interest of
participating in peace operations.
The questionnaire showed a surprisingly high interest (38 %) of volunteering to a professional unit. However, the
potential for sustainable recruitment is believed to be much lower.
The most important conditions for signing up are duration, type of service, and salary. The respondents express interest
of parpticipating in operations with a “medium” risk level and over a short period of time (within one year). The
preferred salary is an overall month salary of 35 000 NOK. Also, providing assistance to people in suffer appeared
important for participating in operations outside Norway
The individuals reluctant to enlist, did so because of an general disagreement to the military system