Now showing items 101-120 of 844

    • Population Based Routing in LEO Satellite Networks 

      Fongen, Anders; Landmark, Lars (2022-06-26)
      Packet switching in a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite network may calculate the best traffic route through the less populated areas of the planet, in order to avoid relaying through the busiest satellites. A number of ideas ...
    • Segmentation of PMSE data using random forests 

      Jozwicki, Dorota; Sharma, Puneet; Mann, Ingrid; Hoppe, Ulf-Peter Jürgen (2022-06-22)
      EISCAT VHF radar data are used for observing, monitoring, and understanding Earth’s upper atmosphere. This paper presents an approach to segment Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes (PMSE) from datasets obtained from EISCAT VHF ...
    • Cooperative Caching in Space Information Networks 

      Fongen, Anders; Landmark, Lars (2022-05-22)
      Members of a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite group need to coordinate their activities in order to improve the quality and timeliness of the services provided to terrestrial clients. As a report from a work in progress, ...
    • How extending the kinematic model affects path following in off-road terrain for differential drive UGVs 

      Tisland, Andreas; Baksaas, Magnus; Mathiassen, Kim (2022-05-31)
      Traversal in off-road conditions for Unmanned Ground Vehicles is highly relevant for defence applications, with an increasing amount of research being put into the field. A central part of the autonomous traversal is path ...
    • Military Muscle-Flexing as Interstate Communication: Russian NOTAM Warnings off the Coast of Norway, 2015–2021 

      Åtland, Kristian; Pedersen, Torbjørn; Nilsen, Thomas (2022-06-14)
      When, where, and why does Russia issue warnings about missile launches and other potentially dangerous military activities in international waters and airspace west and north of Norway? Drawing on information derived from ...
    • Dispersion of SARS-CoV-2 in air surrounding COVID-19-infected individuals with mild symptoms 

      Gohli, Jostein; Anderson, Ane Marie; Brantsæter, Arne Broch; Bøifot, Kari Oline; Grub, Carola; Lund, Cathrine; Lind, Andreas; Pettersen, Ellen; Søraas, Arne Vasli; Dybwad, Marius (2022-02-12)
      Since the beginning of the pandemic, the transmission modes of SARS-CoV-2—particularly the role of aerosol transmission—have been much debated. Accumulating evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted by aerosols, ...
    • Abstracts from The Cold Weather Operations Conference 2021 

      Norheim, Arne Johan; Rannestad, Bård Stian; Howes, Richard; Rein, Erling Bekkestad; Jørum, Ellen; Friedl, Karl; Havenith, George; Teien, Hilde Kristin; Mercer, James; Melau, Jørgen; de Weerd, Louis; Smith, Michael; Taylor, Natalie; Voie, Øyvind Albert; Bergan-Skar, Pål; Andrews, Steve; Næsheim, Torvind; Steinberg, Tuva (2022-03-11)
      A common effort for both military and civil healthcare is to achieve knowledge-based health care in cold weather injuries and fatal accidents in harsh arctic environment. The Cold Weather Operations Conference in November ...
    • Unimolecular Decomposition Reactions of Picric Acid and its Methylated Derivatives — A DFT Study 

      Wiik, Kristine; Høyvik, Ida-Marie; Unneberg, Erik; Jensen, Tomas Lunde; Swang, Ole (2022-04-26)
      To handle energetic materials safely, it is important to have knowledge about their sensitivity. Density functional theory (DFT) has proven a valuable tool in the study of energetic materials, and in the current work, DFT ...
    • Behavioral responses to predatory sounds predict sensitivity of cetaceans to anthropogenic noise within a soundscape of fear 

      Miller, Patrick J O; Isojunno, Saana; Siegal, Eilidh; Lam, Frans-Peter A; Kvadsheim, Petter Helgevold; Curé, Charlotte (2022-03-21)
      As human activities impact virtually every animal habitat on the planet, identifying species at-risk from disturbance is a priority. Cetaceans are an example taxon where responsiveness to anthropogenic noise can be severe ...
    • Numerical study of premixed gas explosion in a 1-m channel partly filled with 18650 cell-like cylinders with experiments 

      Henriksen, Mathias; Vågsæther, Knut; Lundberg, Joachim; Forseth, Sissel; Bjerketvedt, Dag (2022-03-22)
      Abused and defective Li-ion cells can cause a catastrophic failure of a Li-ion battery (LIB), leading to severe fires and explosions. In recent years, several numerical and experimental studies have been conducted on the ...
    • A weakening transatlantic relationship? Redefining the EU-US security and defence cooperation 

      Knutsen, Bjørn Olav Haram (2022-05-18)
      The aim of this article is to discuss how a weakening transatlantic relationship influences European defence cooperation and integration. It also asks how these observed patterns of weakening EU–US relations can be explained ...
    • Abstraction-decomposition space for critical infrastructure systems: A framework for infrastructure planning and resilience policies 

      Sellevåg, Stig Rune (2022-04-20)
      The objective of this work has been to propose a framework that will aid governments with the development of more coherent and effective infrastructure planning and resilience policies through a system-of-systems approach ...
    • High-energy bow tie multi-pass cells for nonlinear spectralbroadening applications 

      Heyl, Christoph M.; Seidel, Marcus; Escoto, Esmerando; Schönberg, Arthur; Carlström, Stefanos; Arisholm, Gunnar; Lang, Tino; Hartl, Ingmar (2022-01-24)
      Multi-pass cells (MPCs) have emerged as very attractive tools for spectral broadening and post-compression applications. We discuss pulse energy limitations of standard MPCs considering basic geometrical scaling principles ...
    • Quantification of aerosol dispersal from suspected aerosol-generating procedures 

      Strand-Amundsen, Runar James; Tronstad, Christian; Elvebakk, Ole; Martinsen, Tormod; Dybwad, Marius; Lingaas, Egil; Tønnessen, Tor Inge (2021-12-06)
      Background Oxygen-delivering modalities like humidified high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) and noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NIV) are suspected of generating aerosols that may contribute to transmission of disease ...
    • The Rapidly Exploring Random Tree Funnel Algorithm 

      Orhagen, Ole Petter; Thoresen, Marius; Mathiassen, Kim (2022-03-17)
      This paper shows the feasibility of combining robust motion primitives generated through the Sums Of Squares programming theory with a discrete Rapidly exploring Random Tree algorithm. The generated robust motion ...
    • A global metagenomic map of urban microbiomes and antimicrobial resistance 

      Danko, David; Bezdan, Daniela; Afshin, Evan E.; Ahsanuddin, Sofia; Bhattacharya, Chandrima; Butler, Daniel J.; Chng, Kern Rei; Donnellan, Daisy; Hecht, Jochen; Jackson, Katelyn; Kuchin, Katerina; Karasikov, Mikhail; Lyons, Abigail; Mak, Lauren; Meleshko, Dmitry; Mustafa, Harun; Mutai, Beth; Neches, Russell Y.; Ng, Amanda; Nikolayeva, Olga; Nikolayeva, Tatyana; Png, Eileen; Ryon, Krista A.; Sanchez, Jorge L.; Shaaban, Heba; Sierra, Maria A.; Thomas, Dominique; Young, Ben; Abudayyeh, Omar O.; Alicea, Josue; Bhattacharyya, Malay; Blekhman, Ran; Castro-Nallar, Eduardo; Cañas, Ana M.; Chatziefthimiou, Aspassia D.; Crawford, Robert W.; De Filippis, Francesca; Deng, Youping; Desnues, Christelle; Dias-Neto, Emmanuel; Dybwad, Marius; Elhaik, Eran; Ercolini, Danilo; Frolova, Alina; Gankin, Dennis; Gootenberg, Jonathan S.; Graf, Alexandra B.; Green, Caroline; Hajirasouliha, Iman; Hastings, Jaden J.A.; Hernandez, Mark; Iraola, Gregorio; Jang, Soojin; Kahles, Andre; Kelly, Frank J.; Knights, Kaymisha; Kyrpides, Nikos; Łabaj, Paweł P.; Lee, Patrick K.H.; Leung, Marcus H.Y.; Ljungdahl, Per O.; Mason-Buck, Gabriella; McGrath, Ken; Meydan, Cem; Mongodin, Emmanuel F.; Moraes, Milton Ozorio; Nagarajan, Niranjan; Nieto-Caballero, Marina; Noushmehr, Houtan; Oliveira, Manuela; Ossowski, Stephan; Osuolale, Olayinka O.; Özcan, Orhan; Paez-Espino, David; Rascovan, Nicolás; Richard, Hugues; Rätsch, Gunnar; Schriml, Lynn M.; Semmler, Torsten; Sezerman, Osman U.; Shi, Leming; Shi, Tieliu; Siam, Rania; Song, Le Huu; Suzuki, Haruo; Court, Denise Syndercombe; Tighe, Scott W.; Tong, Xinzhao; Udekwu, Klas I.; Ugalde, Juan A.; Valentine, Brandon; Vassilev, Dimitar I.; Vayndorf, Elena M.; Velavan, Thirumalaisamy P.; Wu, Jun; Zambrano, María M.; Zhu, Jifeng; Zhu, Sibo; Mason, Christopher E. (2021-06-24)
      We present a global atlas of 4,728 metagenomic samples from mass-transit systems in 60 cities over 3 years, representing the first systematic, worldwide catalog of the urban microbial ecosystem. This atlas provides an ...
    • Security for Autonomous and Unmanned Devices: Cryptography and its Limits 

      Strand, Martin; Wiik, Jan Henrik (2022-02-07)
      We survey existing literature on protecting resource constrained autonomous and unmanned devices. The goal is to secure data both during transmission and at rest, also when facing highly skilled and motivated adversaries. ...
    • Formalizing swarm security 

      Strand, Martin (2022-01-24)
      Cheap, capable processors are becoming readily available, and these are being deployed to a wide variety of applications, ranging from internet-enabled refrigerators to swarms of specialised drones. As often is the case ...
    • Probabilistic estimation of merchant ship source levels in an uncertain shallow-water environment 

      Tollefsen, Dag; Hodgkiss, William S.; Dosso, Stan E.; Bonnel, Julien; Knobles, David P. (2021-11-13)
      The estimation of ship source levels (SSLs) in shallow-water environments can be complicated by sound interaction with the seabed. Uncertainty in seabed properties influences SSL estimates, and it is of interest to mitigate ...
    • Urban Terrorism in the Arab World: Introducing a Dataset of Jihadist Attack Plots in Jordan 

      Gråtrud, Henrik (2021-09-21)
      Few regions have been more plagued by terrorism than the Arab world. However, knowledge of the phenomenon’s nature is limited by a lack of attack plot data for most Arab countries. This article contributes to addressing ...